Election Law, Voting Rights, and the American Democratic System, with Leora Harpaz

Election Law, Voting Rights, and the American Democratic System, with Leora Harpaz  
April 11, 2024 @ 10:30-11:45am
In this week’s class, Leora will begin to discuss the 3 forms of gerrymandering and the Supreme Court cases that have considered challenges to each type. She will begin with population gerrymanderings, which are departures from the one-person/one-vote requirement, and then focus on racial gerrymandering which can violate both the Voting Rights Act and the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause. Time allowing, Leora will begin to discuss partisan gerrymandering. She welcomes your suggestions for other subjects you’d like to hear about. Please use the following link if you would like to make suggestions for topics you would like covered in upcoming classes: 


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