Law in the Headlines: Exploring Current Legal Controversies, with Leora Harpaz

Leora Harpaz

Law in the Headlines: Exploring Current Legal Controversies, with Leora Harpaz
January 25, 2024 @ 10:30-11:45am

In next week’s class, Leora will finish the discussion of the two abortion cases before the Supreme Court this Term. She will then review cases which could allow the Court to continue to restrict the power of federal administrative agencies in various ways. That might include limiting the way agencies are funded by narrowly interpreting the Appropriations Clause and overruling the Chevron doctrine, which defers to a reasonable agency interpretation of ambiguous language in a federal statute authorizing agency action. Leora welcomes your suggestions for other subjects you’d like to hear about. Please use the following link if you would like to make suggestions for topics you would like covered in upcoming classes:


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