Makers of History XXI: Shakespeare with Manfred Weidhorn

Makers of History XXI: Shakespeare, St. Francis of Assisi & St. Joan of Arc, Newton, and Eisenhower, with Manfred Weidhorn

January 10, 2024 @ 10:30-11:45am

We’ll revisit these historic figures, showing that almost all are complex characters, with good and evil traits intertwined in varying proportions. For the first session Manny discusses William Shakespeare, one of the most famous of all human beings, but a very private and mysterious man. Future classes will focus on St. Francis of Assisi and St. Joan of Arc, the two most famous and attractive saints, whose dissimilar careers raise profound questions of what it means to be a Christian; Isaac Newton, who was called the greatest of all scientists by Einstein – but would you have wanted him to be a neighbor? and Dwight Eisenhower, the latest entry into the list of American victorious generals who then became a two-term successful president (to wit, Washington, Jackson, Grant). Manny looks at the broader context of what these famous figures meant in their time and ours, recounting their history and impact with analysis and humor. Professor emeritus of English, Yeshiva Univ, has published a dozen books and 100+ essays on historical figures, cultural history, and the relationship between religion and science.


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