NextGen America: Engaging Young Voters in the Political Process, with Sofia Garduno Araujo and Alana Husari

NextGen America: Engaging Young Voters in the Political Process, with Sofia Garduno Araujo and Alana Husari
April 11, 2024 @ 3:15-4:00pm – NOTE: special time
          Sofia Garduno                  Alana Husari
NextGen America’s mission is to empower young voters to engage in the political process and ensure our government is responsive to the largest and most diverse generation in American history. Since 2013, NextGen has registered over 1.5 million young people to vote. Its efforts had led to the largest youth voter turnout in our nation’s history. Today, NextGen America is the nation’s largest youth voter organization. Sofia and Alana will talk about the challenges of reaching and motivating young people during this divisive election year. Why do they think their individual vote can make a difference? Sofia, NextGen’s Distributed Organizing Director based in Florida, oversees the direct voter contact for the organization and the national volunteer team. She grew up undocumented and began organizing her friends and community to exercise their right to vote and use the voice she did not have. Alana, NextGen’s Distributed Organizing Manager, runs the organization’s national phone bank program for volunteers across the country; she is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


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