Picaresque Fiction: An Introduction, with Pilar V. Rotella

Picaresque Fiction: An Introduction, with Pilar V. Rotella
January 31, 2024 @ 1:00-2:15pm

Picaresque fiction, from its origins in 16th century Spain to the present, has evolved and developed across time and space to constitute a well-established literary genre. In a typical picaresque novel, the pícaro or pícara—a mixture of vagabond, trickster, and swindler, smart and unscrupulous— recounts his or her life story as a tale of survival against all odds in the midst of a hostile society. Viewed at first as merely entertaining, picaresque fiction has undergone a re-evaluation that highlights the complexity and depth of its social and psychological insight. We will read some of the shorter classics that provide a good introduction to this significant, intriguing, and often very amusing genre.



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