Short Stories by Latin American Women, with Pilar V. Rotella

Short Stories by Latin American Women, with Pilar V. Rotella
April 10, 2024 @ 1:00-2:15pm
The well-known Chilean novelist Isabel Allende has said that writing a short story “it’s like shooting an arrow. There is no second chance – it’s a make-or-break proposition.” The stories in this collection are like well-aimed arrows that hit important targets in their depiction of women’s lives and women’s role in patriarchal and often constrained conditions, whether by focusing on the common place and the everyday (the real) or on the unusual and the strange (the magical dimension of reality). Navigating between the poles of the magic and the real, these beautifully crafted stories offer an insightful view of complex issues regarding womanhood not only in Latin American society but in the world at large. Pilar is Professor Emerita at Saint Xavier Univ of Chicago. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at several universities and colleges, has authored numerous scholarly articles. MA, English and PhD Comparative Literature, Univ of Chicago.
Text: Celia Correas de Zapata, ed., Short Stories by Latin American Women Writers: The Magic and the Real
Syllabus: (All stories are available as pdfs, which will be provided in advance.)
April 10: I. Allende, “An Act of Vengeance”
M.E. Llana, “In the Family”


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