The Beatles’ A Hard Day's Night: A Retrospective, with Scott McLaren

Scott McLarenThe Beatles’ A Hard Day's Night: A Retrospective, with Scott McLaren
Wed. March 20 @ 1:00-2:30pm

This coming summer marks 60 years since the release of the Beatles’ first and best feature film, A Hard Day’s Night. Through video, photos and interview clips, Scott will chronicle the band’s rise to success in Britain in 1963 and their conquering of the US in early 1964, all leading to their critically acclaimed first film and soundtrack. We’ll see clips from those who were involved in the film – the Beatles themselves, United Artists executives, the producer, director, and others within their inner circle. We’ll also discuss and listen to song excerpts from the exclusively Lennon-McCartney soundtrack. As with most things Beatles, A Hard Day’s Night remains infectious, lasting and fun. Scott, a passionate Beatles fan since he was a child, has done extensive research on their story, has traveled widely to Beatles’ sites, interviewed people involved in their lives, and has collected many hours of their speaking and performing. Come “twist and shout” with us!


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