They Oughta Be in Pictures!  And They Were: Hollywood Movies on the Stories of US Presidents, with Richard Klein

They Oughta Be in Pictures!  And They Were: Hollywood Movies on the Stories of US Presidents, with Richard Klein

Thurs, Oct. 10 2:45-4:00pm

For years, Hollywood has been putting out biopics of famous people and on numerous occasions the subjects of these films have been the most famous of all – US Presidents. Richard has picked out ones he found most interesting to discuss. Many of the stories begin long before the men are well known. From Andrew Jackson, through Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and a few others, we see how Hollywood has treated the stories of these men and their families. Richard will show clips from several movies covering the stories of these eventual national leaders. He is an amateur historian who has spoken at CL&L about presidents and their families.  


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