Turning Failure into Success, with Tom Rich

Tom Rich Turning Failure into Success, with Tom Rich.
NOTE new time

February 21, 2024 @ 2:45-4:00pm

Failure – it’s no fun, but it’s something we all experience. It is commonly cited wisdom that failures are valuable experiences from which we must learn. However, this is far more easily said than done. It’s important to realize that learning from failure is a skill that can and must be acquired and strengthened. This session will provide a series of techniques and principles for learning from failures and mistakes, covering such topics as planning, decision-making and post-analysis. You’ll walk away ready and eager for your next “catastrophe.” Tom talks about how we can do this in our lives, with failures big or small, past or present. He is a marketing professional and qualitative researcher who has conducted thousands of interviews and focus groups and has had more than his share of failures.


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