What is Yoga and What Can It Do for You? with Erica Mather

Erica Mather

What is Yoga and What Can It Do for You? with Erica Mather

Wed, Oct 16 2:45-4pm

The word "yoga" is so common in our vernacular, and we have so many readily formed ideas and opinions about it that we rarely stop to wonder if we actually, truly know what yoga is. Often, these preconceived notions prevent us from being curious, or even compel us to think, I'm too stiff or I'm too old or It's too late, or That seems weird/not for me, and therefore we stop our curiosity before we even have a chance to start an investigation.

This course will explore a brief history of yoga's arrival in the United States, the kinds of yoga available, with an emphasis or adaptive and therapeutic approach, and help you to identify what might be right for you, what are the benefits, and how long you might practice before seeing results. Erica's own relationship with yoga commenced with the adult onset of migraine headaches; consequently, she's always viewed yoga through a therapeutic lens. Come dressed in comfortable, stretchy clothing, as light movement performed in a chair will likely be incorporated. You will leave with a refreshed and newfound understanding of what yoga is, and what it could be for you. Erica is a 1,000-hour certified yoga therapist working in private practice; author of Your Body, Your Best Friend: End the Confidence-Crushing Pursuit of Unrealistic Beauty Standards & Embrace Your True Power (New Harbinger, 2020). 


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