What’s Your Name?  How About a Song? Karen Valen

What’s Your Name?  How About a Song? Karen Valen
(3 sessions)

Wed, Sept. 11, 18, Tues, Sept 24 2:45-4pm

Many Broadway musicals have a lead character’s name in the title, and that name often has a song.  Hello, Dolly; hello, Gigi; and hello, Mame.  Often other characters in shows have a song that isn’t part of the show’s title: Maria in West Side Story, Marian the Librarian in The Music Man, and so many others.  So many, in fact, that it will take three sessions to give those characters their due and to sing their praises and their names.  Session 1: Heroes and Villains, Session 2: Leading Ladies, Session 3: Leading Men and Others. Karen has been attending theater regularly since 1954 when Mary Martin flew past her in Peter Pan, and she ushers both on and off-Broadway.


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