Enigmatic Stories, Pilar V. Rotella

Enigmatic Stories, Pilar V. Rotella
6 sessions)

Wed, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 1:00-2:15pm

The five short stories selected for this course ask the reader to go beyond the literal meaning of narrative and search for hidden, more challenging levels of interpretation. From the shocking lottery to the mysterious aleph, each text poses interesting questions about different aspects of human nature and human behavior individually and collectively, framed within a larger spiritual/philosophical dimension. Pilar is Professor Emerita at Saint Xavier Univ of Chicago. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at several universities and colleges, has authored numerous scholarly articles. MA, English and PhD Comparative Literature, Univ of Chicago. (All five stories available online.) Texts (in the order of reading):

Shirley Jackson, “The Lottery”


Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”


Julio Cortázar, “The Night Face Up” 


Franz Kafka, “A Hunger Artist”


Jorge Luis Borges, “The Aleph”



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