Makers of History XXIII: The British Pitts, Titans of Philosophy, Henry Ford, and Adam Smith, with Manfred Weidhorn

Makers of History XXIII: The British Pitts, Titans of Philosophy, Henry Ford, and Adam Smith, with Manfred Weidhorn

Tues, Sept 24, Oct 1, 8, 15 10:30-11:45am

This course revisits historic figures, showing that almost all are complex characters, with good and evil traits intertwined in varying proportions. Session
#1: The British Pitts: A rare father-and-son leadership team, both named William Pitt, are among the greatest leaders Britain ever had. They led Britain for nearly a quarter century of war against the French. Session
#2: The Titans of Philosophy: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. These Greek philosophers in effect established Western civilization. Session
#3: Henry Ford: One of the greatest American business tycoons, he came up with many innovations, as well as some very bad ideas. Session
#4: Adam Smith: In effect, he was the founder of economics and of modern American Conservativism – if one ignores a host of curious passages.

Manny looks at the broader context of what these famous figures meant in their time and ours, recounting their history and impact with analysis and humor. Professor emeritus of English, Yeshiva Univ, he has published a dozen books and 100+ essays on historical figures, cultural history, and the relationship between religion and science.


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