Exploring Quirky Small American Towns, with Karen Gershowitz

Exploring Quirky Small American Towns, with Karen Gershowitz

Thurs, Oct 31 2:45-4pm

A self-described “travel addict,” Karen has gone to all the continents and has written two books about travel. In this session she returns to CL&L to focus on the US, introducing us to unusual towns in the Midwest and West that have a lot to offer but are not well known. For example, did you know there is a small midwestern town that has more world class architecture than many major cities? Other towns are just plain quirky. Imagine, for instance, seeing a museum that features 100+ foot long fish sculptures that you can climb into and hang out of its mouth. Or how about a western town that transports you to Denmark? Karen will use photos from her travels and tell us about what makes each place unique. Among our visits will be Eau Claire and Hayward, Wisconsin; Acoma and Ship Rock, New Mexico; Jerome, Tubac, and Arcosanti, Arizona; Columbus and Carmel, Indiana; Loveland, Colorado; Frankenmuth, Michigan; Cannon Beach and Astoria, Oregon; and Solvang, California (the Danish one). Do you have a favorite town you can introduce us to? Karen is author of the travel memoir Travel Mania: Stories of Wanderlust and Wanderlust: Extraordinary People, Quirky Places and Curious Cuisine.


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