Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) and the Nature of Reality with Alan Steinfeld

Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) and the Nature of Reality with Alan Steinfeld

Wed, Oct 30 2:45-4pm

This class is about the nature of perception and our cultural conditioning, which makes us see only a small portion of what exists. Alan believes that we are now in the midst of a huge shift in worldviews. In this class, we will look at how the evolution of consciousness requires an updating of the possible.

Most people don’t see the limits of their thoughts, just like a fish doesn’t see the water. But when we step back to see how beliefs are not facts, only handed down assumptions. we free ourselves from the existing paradigm. The anomalous presence of UFOs (now called UAPs “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena”) challenges our basic assumptions about the nature of reality. Referencing the work of the Professor of History Thomas Kuhn will help us formulate new realities. He  said, “A paradigm shift begins with an anomaly: when our beliefs are fundamentally at odds with what seems to be happening.”

Only when open- minded thinkers are unafraid to explore an anomaly, new explanations can come into view to explain the unexpected facts. A paradigm shift is complete when the “anomalous” becomes the expected and a part of a larger worldview of the possible.


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