Law in the Headlines: Exploring Current Legal Controversies, with Leora Harpaz

Law in the Headlines: Exploring Current Legal Controversies, with Leora Harpaz  
January 11, 2024 @ 10:30-11:45am

It often seems that high-profile legal controversies are almost a daily occurrence now, making them lead stories in the news. Leora will discuss cases before the Supreme Court that will be decided this Term involving important issues. A number of those cases in various ways focus on two areas of the law: social media and federal administrative agencies. The first set of cases will provide the Court with its first opportunity to decide how social media companies can be regulated. The second set allows the Court to continue its project of limiting the power of administrative agencies. Other important cases will allow the Court to revisit the issue of gun restrictions. Major issues related to the 2024 presidential election are expected to reach the Court, particularly the issue of whether former president Trump is disqualified from being on the ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. High-profile legal controversies still in the lower courts will also be discussed. Students will have an opportunity to make suggestions for topics that they would like to hear about in upcoming classes. Leora is professor emeritus who taught constitutional law at Western New England Univ. School of Law; founded the annual Supreme Court Conference, where she has been a speaker for 20+ years. Since becoming an emeritus professor, she has taught in the Political Science Dept., Hunter College, and in other senior learner programs.


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