Politics 2024: January 11, with Larry Geneen

Politics 2024, with Larry Geneen
January 11, 2024 @ 1:00-2:15pm

It’s official: election year is here. It kicks off with the Iowa Republican presidential caucuses the middle of the month, followed by a slew of primaries for both parties. Current polling shows former president Donald Trump way ahead of his main rivals, Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Gov. Nikki Haley, despite his multiple indictments and upcoming trial in March. Trump has been ruled off the Republican primary ballot in two states based on the 14th Amendment. The issue is expected to go to the Supreme Court and it may – or may not – affect voter choices. Will Haley’s “gaffe” about slavery being the cause of the Civil War hurt her in the New Hampshire primary? On the Democratic side, incumbent Joe Biden is expected to be the nominee, although he is being challenged. Both leaders face serious questions about their age. And third party candidates may also play a role in hurting one or both major parties. What will matter most to voters – pocketbook matters, abortion, voting rights, other culture war issues, “democracy”? Closer to home, we’ll focus on NY Governor Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams. Always lively and well-researched, Larry looks at the political landscape as it continues to change. Join us for this interactive class. Larry is a risk management consultant, former COO of the American Management Assoc, EVP of Johnson and Higgins.


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