Poetry for Pleasure in the Winter, with Barry Wallenstein

Poetry for Pleasure in the Winter, with Barry Wallenstein
February 13, 2024 @ 1:00-2:15pm

These lectures with discussion will involve close readings of poems – classic, modern, and contemporary. Our aim is to listen to the sound poems make. What makes a successful language performance? We will discuss these works’ emotional truth, unity of expression, and attention-holding, pleasure-providing use of language. Alicia Ostriker is Barry’s guest poet.

Here is the poetry book for the winter semester: CLICK HERE We'll discuss the poems on these pages:
  • The Crocodile & The Mock Turtle’s Song by Lewis Carroll – p. 54
  • Out, Out by Robert Frost – p. 57
  • Circe’s Power by Louise Gluck – p. 87
  • Beauty & Time by Alicia Ostriker (guest poet will read the poem)
  • Love’s Secret by William Blake – p. 11
  • Sonnet 111 by Edna St. Vincent Millay – p. 48
  • The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens – p. 60
  • Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas – p. 29


What Do You Think? Discussion, with Bill Goldman


We All Have Stories to Tell, with Bonnie Max